TouchPoints Learning

Greenlight Content partnered with business management consultancy TouchPoints Learning to enhance their communication strategy through expertly-crafted monthly email newsletters, built and delivered via HubSpot.

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The challenge

TouchPoints Learning, a global business management consulting firm, needed a way to consistently engage their contacts with valuable insights on navigating change, tackling business challenges, and fostering effective collaboration. However, they needed support to fully leverage HubSpot's email marketing capabilities to create and distribute impactful newsletters.


The solution

TouchPoints Learning

Greenlight Content conducted a comprehensive audit of TouchPoint's HubSpot setup and developed a communication strategy focused on creating and delivering monthly email newsletters. We crafted captivating subject lines and preview texts that grabbed attention, delivered engaging copy that resonated with their audience, and ensured their contact lists were cleansed and segmented for optimal targeting. We managed the entire process—from content creation to scheduling— and built, edited, and scheduled each newsletter n HubSpot to go out on time every month. By integrating HubSpot best practices, we ensured that TouchPoints Learning’s newsletters consistently provided value and maintained engagement with their audience.


The results

Thanks to Greenlight Content’s expertise and the power of HubSpot, TouchPoints Learning now delivers polished, insightful newsletters every month. These campaigns keep their contacts informed and engaged, allowing them to better navigate change and tackle business problems with confidence.

I'm so happy we found Vanessa at Greenlight Content - she's adept at navigating HubSpot and was able to quickly sort out many things that had us muddled up. She's a great copywriter and has provided helpful marketing advice too. It's a delight to work with her.

Janice Francisco, Associate Director
TouchPoints Learning
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