Sigma Assessment Systems

Leveraging our expertise in HubSpot, Greenlight stepped in to help Sigma Assessment Systems streamline its succession planning workflow to maximize engagement and drive more conversions.

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The challenge

Leadership development firm Sigma had a Succession Planning workflow in HubSpot that included more than a dozen emails spread over more than six months and wasn’t keeping its audience engaged. The email content wasn’t addressing its target audience's key challenges effectively.  The team also wasn’t leveraging the full value of the HubSpot platform and its features for its campaigns.


The solution

Sigma Assessment Systems

We reduced the email sequence to 6 emails over 2 months, reducing and rewriting the copy to make it more engaging and directly addressing audience pain points. The emails were streamlined by crafting high-impact subject lines for A/B testing. We also helped productize and promote their ‘Succession Planning Diagnostic’ offer within the workflow to better convert leads into customers. Finally, we rebuilt the workflow in HubSpot, adding lead scoring and updating form fields for better list segmentation and data capture.


The results

The revised workflow led to improved engagement, higher open and click-through rates, and more effective lead conversion. Almost immediately, the team reported that the new email campaign was bringing in a steady stream of leads who completed their Success Planning Diagnostic. Sigma now delivers targeted, high-impact emails that resonate with their audience, driving success in their succession planning services.

Vanessa helped us revamp our most significant email campaign. She took something we had been trying to do for over a year and got it done within the span of a few weeks. She also provided excellent marketing funnel and strategic sales advice along the way. Working with Vanessa is definitely worth the investment.

Helen Schroeder, Marketing Coordinator
Sigma Assessment Systems
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