If you already know what you want to have written and have your own editorial calendar, that’s great. We can skip to step 3.
Your blog is where you shine.
But if your company blog hasn’t been updated since before anyone knew what COVID was? Well, that’s a problem.
Fear not, I can help write your content and keep you on schedule, so your blog doesn’t go stale.
I have written so many blog posts in my day - engaging, insight-led, search-optimized blog posts - that I know I can work some content marketing magic on your business.
If you already know what you want to have written and have your own editorial calendar, that’s great. We can skip to step 3.
If you don’t know where to start, that’s OK too. We’ll have a blog topic brainstorming session where we talk about your customers, their challenges, key questions you get asked, common objections and topical subjects to come up with a list of blog titles.
We agree on a blog publishing schedule (1x week, 1x month, 2x month, you get it) and we put those titles into an editorial calendar.
For each blog post, I set up a 30-minute phone call with your subject matter expert where - you guessed it - I ask a lot of questions.
I write the search-optimized copy using the tasty morsels of knowledge you have shared with me and I include a meta description and social media messaging as well (because I’m generous like that).
You review the copy and get 2 rounds of amends until that post is a work of prose that Shakespeare himself would envy.